Our week in Menindee has come and gone. We had eight artists working in the Civic Hall, and we had a wonderful time. Let me give you an overview of our week. Future posts will give you more detail.
We spent time in Kinchega National Park and other areas around Menindee, hunting down
more of the plants on Hermann Beckler's list.
Collecting in the field (Photo copyright: Anne Lawson, 2105) |
Then back to the Hall to identify them. Thanks to Andrew for his help and patience.
(Photo copyright: Anne Lawson, 2105) |
(Photo copyright: Anne Lawson, 2105)
Down to work -- microscopic work, drawing, colour charts, research and eventually painting.
(Photo copyright: Anne Lawson, 2105) |
(Photo copyright: Anne Lawson, 2105) |
(Photo copyright: Anne Lawson, 2105) |
Of course there was time for other things as well.
There was a delicious BBQ at Barbara and Chris' house on the banks of the Darling River, where, with drinks in hand, we watched the sunset.
(Photo copyright: Anne Lawson, 2105) |
(Photo copyright: Anne Lawson, 2105) |
We had visitors to entertain us, including local lasses, Ava and Ella who came to paint with us.
(Photo copyright: Anne Lawson, 2105) |
I am not sure of the final tally of plants from this visit but I know that we are a little closer to collecting all of the 120 on Beckler's list.
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